Introduction to The Study of the Ten Sefirot - Part FOUR
Author: Aryeh
| Posted at: 4:30 pm |
Filed Under:
Baal HaSulam,
Owner of the Ladder,
Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag,
Sulam (ladder)

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Part FOUR of FOUR111) These words seem puzzling from beginning to end. He says that one who performs one Mitzva, immediately sentences to a scale of merit, for he is judged by the majority. Yet, this refers only to those who are half unworthy and half worthy. And Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi Shimon, does not speak of those at all. Thus, the essence is still absent.Rashi interpreted his words as referring to the words, “One must always consider oneself half unworthy and half worthy.” Rabbi Elazar,...

Introduction to The Study of the Ten Sefirot - Part THREE
Author: Aryeh
| Posted at: 2:31 pm |
Filed Under:
Baal HaSulam,
Owner of the Ladder,
Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag,
Sulam (ladder)

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Part THREE of FOUR56) Now you can understand the words of our sages, “What is repentance like? When He who knows all mysteries will testify that he will not turn back to folly.” These are seemingly perplexing words, for who would rise to the heaven to hear the testimony of the Creator? Also, before whom should the Creator testify? Is it not enough that the Creator Himself knows that the person repented and will not sin again?From the explanation, the matter becomes quite clear: In truth, one is...

Introduction to The Study of the Ten Sefirot - Part TWO
Author: Aryeh
| Posted at: 8:35 am |
Filed Under:
Baal HaSulam,
Owner of the Ladder,
Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag,
Sulam (ladder)

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Part TWO of FOUR31) There is a great need to explain once and for all why the coming of the Messiah depends on the study of Kabbalah in the masses, which is so prevalent in The Zohar and in all the books of Kabbalah. The populace has already discussed it pointlessly and it has become unbearable.The explanation of this matter is expressed in the Tikkunim (corrections) of The Zohar (Tikkun 30). Abbreviated translation: When the Holy Divinity went into exile, this spirit blows upon them who engage...

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