Introduction to The Study of the Ten Sefirot - Part TWO
Author: Aryeh
| Posted at: 8:35 am |
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Baal HaSulam,
Owner of the Ladder,
Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag,
Sulam (ladder)

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Part TWO of FOUR31) There is a great need to explain once and for all why the coming of the Messiah depends on the study of Kabbalah in the masses, which is so prevalent in The Zohar and in all the books of Kabbalah. The populace has already discussed it pointlessly and it has become unbearable.The explanation of this matter is expressed in the Tikkunim (corrections) of The Zohar (Tikkun 30). Abbreviated translation: When the Holy Divinity went into exile, this spirit blows upon them who engage...

Introduction to The Study of the Ten Sefirot - Part ONE
Author: Aryeh
| Posted at: 4:43 pm |
Filed Under:
Baal HaSulam,
Owner of the Ladder,
Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag,
Sulam (ladder)

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Part ONE of FOUR1) At the outset of my words, I find a great need to break an iron wall that has been separating us from the wisdom of Kabbalah, since the ruin of the Temple to this generation. It lies heavily on us and arouses fear of being forgotten from Israel.However, when I begin to speak to anyone about this study, his first question is, “Why should I know how many angels are in the sky and what their names are? Can I not keep the whole Torah in all its details and intricacies without this...

Introduction to The Book of Zohar - Part THREE
Author: Aryeh
| Posted at: 8:58 am |
Filed Under:
Baal HaSulam,
Owner of the Ladder,
Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag,
Sulam (ladder)

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Part THREE of THREE49.And when he has been rewarded with the great Light called “the Light of Neshama,” each of the 613 organs in that Partzuf Light fully shine in their own unique way, each as an independent Partzuf. Then there opens before him the possibility to engage in each Mitzva according to its genuine aim, for each organ in the Partzuf of Neshama lights the path of each Mitzva related to that organ.And through the great power of those Lights, one purifies the speaking part...

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